Looking rather fresh faced at the start
Fuelled up on square sausage and Braveheart I was ready for a day of torture. Concerned about the cut off times I knew if I kept Ricky Cowan close to me I’d make it to the Burn in under the hour. True to form I passed it in 57minutes and began the second half of the climb which is a lot more loose stone and rock. On the long slog to the summit the heat was fierce and anytime I looked at my HR it was in the 174bpm mark or so.

Somewhere past the half way point
Passing a few bewilderd looking walkers I got to the summit and took a quick selfie, looked around me briefly to take it in, passed my wristband to the marshals and stuffed a handful of liquorice allsorts into my dry mouth and swallowed a salt tablet.

Summit Selfie

I got my medal, grabbed some water and went in search of some shade from the Scottish sun. I was feeling rough but happy to get up and down the hill and I squeezed in under three hours.

Trying to look happy
The Irn Bru didn’t last too long though, I apologise to the Newcastle athletic guys for my horrific loud wretching and vomiting noises who were enjoying a coors light outside their accommodation. I seem to have history and vomiting is now quite normal.

A nice touch with the miniature whisky
Would I go back? Yes but not for a couple of years. It’s a great race to do and tick off but it’s fierce on the body.
I raised well over £600 for SANDS NI and they are a great charity. Final total still to be confirmed.
Well done to Diane Wilson from Dromore Athletics club who won the women’s race. Totally epic run and performance from a really fantastic runner. I’m in awe.
Thanks for reading.